Don’t Just Dream it Do it Book

Do you feel disillusioned, bored or discouraged in your workplace? Do you feel tired of having your expertise and experience dismissed or minimised? Do you want more time for your wellbeing, health, family, friends and adventures?

If you’re nodding your head in agreement, it’s time for a change! The solution to your professional fulfillment and personal freedom lies within the pages of this practical, inspiring book. Don’t Just Dream It, Do It! is your roadmap to taking the leap into self-employment as a midlife professional woman (MLPW), with a particular focus on MLPW living in regional, remote and rural areas.

Maree Cutler-Naroba, an experienced multi-disciplinary Business Strategist and Entrepreneur Educator who runs several business ventures and initiatives, shares actionable tips, tools, hints, ideas and examples and introduces the 5+U Pillars of Business Start-up and Development Model©.

It’s time to stop dreaming about taking the leap and simply do it! The time is now to turn your expertise and experience into a sustainable business that creates impact and leaves a legacy.

SWIRL specialises in supporting MLPW to move out of a corporate role and into self-employment as contractors or freelancers. Through their tools, design services and online business coaching sessions, MLPW can transition from employment to self-employment in less than 12 months.


$35 (incl post)



Maree recently donated a copy of her ‘Don’t just Dream it, Do it’ Book to the Hedland Well Women’s Centre.


Maree was my business coach when I launched into self-employment several years ago, a significant change for me as a woman with zero business experience/ background, and already in my 40s.
I can vouch that the author of this book has some great insights and offerings to share!
Transitioning from employee to businesswoman has been like going from black and white to vivid colour….or an analogy that the author describes…. ‘the butterfly that begins as a chrysalis, goes through a metamorphosis, and ends up as a beautiful butterfly. 🦋
This amazing experience continues to present me with incredible opportunities, that in turn, I’m so blessed to share with other women. And we all rise.
If you’ve ever thought about starting a business, get hold of this book and begin your journey today. Natasha Short, Kimberley Jiyigas